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Our Head of School, Mrs Chapman is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and designated person for Child Protection; should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact her.


Mrs Mary Teeboon is our Link Safeguarding Governor and Link Governor for Looked After Children. Mary is trained in this area; and works with Mrs Chapman to check policy documents, practices and procedures linked to Safeguarding and Child Protection.


Designated safeguarding Lead Mrs Chapman

Designated Lead for Looked After Children Mrs Chapman

Designated Lead for Anti-Bullying Mrs Chapman

Designated Lead for E-Safety Mrs Chapman


Link Governor for Safeguarding Mrs Mary Teeboon

Link Governor for Looked After Children Mrs Mary Teeboon

Link Governor for SEN 

Link Governor for Anti-Bullying Mr Jon Seynor

Link Governor for Health & Safety Mrs Jennie Bradley 


Safeguarding: further information

The Limestone Peak Federation ( Dove Holes, Peak Dale and Taddingon) operates a whole school approach and ethos to safeguarding and protecting children. Where safeguarding is concerned, we maintain an attitude of “it could happen here”. We recognise that everyone in the school has a role to play to keep children safe; this includes identifying concerns, sharing information, and taking prompt action. Safeguarding and child protection is incorporated in all relevant aspects of processes and policy development. All systems, processes and policies operate with the best interests of a child at their centre.


We ensure that all children are safeguarded while on or off school premises and are proactive about anticipating and managing risks that children face in the wider community and online. To support this the school assesses the risks and issues in the wider community when considering the well-being and safety of its learners. Due to the context of our school, our children may be at greater risk of domestic abuse, emotional abuse and neglect.


To protect our learners, we have a Prevent action plan/risk assessment and are part of the Stopping Domestic Abuse Together (SDAT) initiative. We have a clear Online safety and SRE curriculum alongside our safeguarding curriculum which permeates through the life of the school we protect our learners by providing them with a voice and always being open to listening to them.


The Limestone peak Federation  recognises we have an important role to play in multi-agency safeguarding arrangements and contributes to multi-agency working as set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children(2018). As a relevant agency, the school/college understands its role within local safeguarding arrangements and operates in accordance with the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children multi-agency procedures, including the local criteria for action (known as the Threshold document) and local protocols for assessment in Derby and Derbyshire (note: this is currently under review).  The school/college is also aware of and implements any local learning where appropriate, such as those as outlined in DDSCP Briefing note: safeguarding school age children and learning from case reviews and other DDSCP briefing notes located in the multi-agency safeguarding children procedures document library.  At the Federation, we work closely with our Early Help team, The school nurse, and the Mental Heath Triage service.

Our   community  


At Taddington,  there  is  a  strong  working  village  community  who are  supportive  of  the schools.  The  proportion  of  children  eligible  for  free  school  meals  and  Pupil  Premium  are  lower/inline  with national   averages.  The  number  of  children  who  have  an  education,  health  and  care  is lower than national.


Taddington and Priestcliffe Primary Shcool  is   committed   to   safeguarding,   promoting   the  welfare   of   all   its   pupils and   to   protecting   them   from   the   risks   of   harm.   The   Governors  expect   all   staff   and   volunteers   to   share   this   commitment   by   demonstrating   their  understanding   of   how   each   individual   adult   working   on   behalf   of   the   school   has   an  active   part   to   play   in   protecting   children   from   harm   and   promoting   their   welfare.   Our  links   to   our   local   community   are   strong;   we   share   safeguarding   advice   with   our  parents   via   noticeboards   in   school,   the   school   website   and   a   weekly   newsletters.  We   have   good   transition   procedures   in   place   with   our   feeder   nurseries   ;   the   children  visit   school   regularly   prior   to   starting   school   in   September,   the   staff   visit   the   nursery  setting    and   parents   are   involved   and   informed   during   transition.  


As   a   community,   we   have   to   be   aware   of   the   challenges   presented   by   living   in   a   very  non-   diverse   and   monoethnic   area   with   a   significant   number   of   parents   who   work   yet  find   it   difficult   to   make   ends   meet   but   who   do   not   qualify   for   universal   credit   nor   free  Public school    meals.  Other contextual safeguarding concerns such as the many quarries in the locality which pose a risk of drowning are  mitigated against as far as possible with our year round swimming programme and water safety sessions.


Unresolved    parental    conflict    and    separation    can    be    another    common  challenge    to    our    children’s    wellbeing.  All    staff    must    be    clear    about    their    own    role    and    that    of    others    in providing    a    caring  and    safe    environment    for    all    pupils    and    must    know    how    they    should   respond    to    any  concerns    about    an    individual    child    that    may    arise.  


 To    this    end the school  will    ensure    that    all    staff    (whether    permanent    or    temporary)    and    volunteers  know    who    the    senior    designated    leads    are    with    overall    responsibility    for    child  protection.  The    Designated    Leads    for    Child    Protection    details    can    be    found    on    Page  25    of    our Safeguarding policy.    In    the    absence    of    the    designated    person    we    will    ensure    that    we  have    a    member    of    staff    who    has    the    knowledge    and    skills    necessary    to    deputise.    All  staff    will    receive    training    during    their    induction    period,    and    annually    thereafter    in  order  that    they    are    equipped    with    the    skills    needed    to    keep    children    safe.  


The school will    always    follow    safe    recruitment    procedures    so    that    we    can  be    confident    that    all    adults    working    in    our    school    are    safe    to    do    so.

 Safeguarding Statement 


At all schools within the Federation, we want our pupils to grow up as confident, happy young people. We want our schools to be a place where everyone feels safe, secure and supported. We want teaching to be effective and engaging, and learning to be enjoyable and fun. We want all our children, regardless of their background or ability, to reach their full potential and to be proud of their work and achievements. We want there to be clear communication between school and home, and for parents to feel fully involved. We value, and want to be valued by our local community. We are dedicated to working together to achieve this  for our school. Our safeguarding arrangements are underpinned by four key principles:


  • Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility: all Staff/anyone who has contact with a child or young person including Governors and volunteers should play their full part in keeping children safe;

  • We will aim to protect children using national, local and school child protection procedures;

  • That all Staff/anyone who has contact with a child or young person including Governors and volunteers have a clear understanding regarding abuse and neglect in all forms; including how to identify, respond and report. This also includes knowledge in the process for allegations against professionals. Staff, (Governors and Volunteers) should feel confident that they can report all matters of Safeguarding in the School where the information will be dealt with swiftly and securely, following the correct procedures with the safety and wellbeing of the children in mind at all times;

  • That we operate a child-centred approach: a clear understanding of the needs, wishes, views and voices of children.

Important Contact Details:


Starting Point (For all Safeguarding Concerns) Tel: 01629 533190


Out of hours Call Derbyshire Tel: 01629 533190


NSPCC - National Helpline Tel: 0808 800 5000


Childline – Tel: 0800 1111


Child Protection Manager (Schools) Debbie Peacock Tel: 01629 531079



Derbyshire County Council Child Protection/Safeguarding Team Tel: 01629 532178

Early Help Offer – Taddington and Priestcliffe CE Primary School


Early Help Statement


The Limestone Peak Federation understands the importance of helping children and families early. We will endeavour to support you to the best of our ability so that things do not escalate to statutory services and your child’s education is not affected.


An early help assessment is important around early help, but school can offer a myriad of other support and signposting for our pupils and their families so we operate an ‘open door policy’ encouraging parents to approach school if needed to speak to the (DSL) or our ‘in house’ welfare team ( JSe-  psychologist and governor, LW- Early help worker*)  * LW is also a parent and will not make an Early help assessment or provide formal support, school take on this role with the support of Sara Atherton  Atherton | Early Help Advisor for High Peak North Dales | Early Help Development Team | Derbyshire Children’s Services | Mobile: 07772 882161. 


LW is part of the welfare team offering initial informal support for the school in some cases. 


What is Early Help?


Every family has its ups and downs. Being a parent is hard work and there are no instructions. Sometimes, you or your children may need extra support. This may be before your children are born, when they are very young, or throughout their school years. There is nothing to be ashamed of in asking for help.

Early Help helps you recognise what’s going well for you, where you may benefit from extra help, and who is the best person to work with you and your family to make this happen. This may be through an Early Help Assessment (EHA).


Early Help Assessment


This starts with an Early Help conversation. You’ll chat with an Early Help Lead in school (DSL) or Local authority worker about what’s going well and what’s not going well for you and your family, and they will let you know what sort of help is available.


This conversation might lead to an Early Help Assessment (EHA). This is how we get a full picture about the whole family. We use it to help you see what is working well and identify the areas you could do with a bit of extra support.


It‘s your choice to take part in the assessment and you can choose who else should be involved. A good assessment is done with you not to you.


Every person and family are different, but an Early Help Assessment (EHA) will:


  • Help you see what’s going well and not so well for your family

  • Help you and others to see what support you might need

  • Create a picture of your family’s circumstances, which can be shared with your permission, so you don’t have to repeat yourself to different workers

  • Help you to be part of a team of people working together on the same plan to get things going well again.


What happens after the EHA?


With your permission, people from different organisations working with your family will share information and work together to help support you and your children.

This could be school, health visitors, mentors, school, etc. This may then be followed by a ‘Team around the family’ meeting.


Why do I need to give my permission (also known as consent)?


Your personal information belongs to you. Agencies can’t share your information unless you agree, because your information is protected by law under the Data Protection Act.


What is a ‘Team around the family’ meeting?


The family and workers involved come together to make a support plan. This is reviewed at regular intervals to ensure that progress is being made for your family and that the right support is in place.

At this meeting, you’ll choose a ‘lead worker’. This can be any one of the people working with your family – you might choose the worker you see most often, or the person you find most approachable.

Your lead worker will arrange the review meetings and be someone you can speak to at any point about any concerns or issues you and your family are experiencing.

Would you like to talk to someone?


​If you would like to talk to someone, you can ask for more information about support available within the Federation   – Mr.J Handley is the Early Help Lead in school, but you can speak to any of our Designated Safeguarding Leads.

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